Dannell tricycle

Dannell tricycle

Children from the age of two can use tricycles. At this age, this will be the most exciting work for them.

So it can be said that the tricycle will be the best toy for children from 2 to 5 years old.

Dannell tricycle is one of the types of tricycle with light weight, which is made of plastic parts without sharp edges.


Dannell tricycle

One of the hobbies of children is riding a tricycle. Dannell is an attractive tricycle that will be especially attractive to children with its design and coloring.

This tricycle is intended for children 3 to 5 years old, which can bear weight up to 30 kg.

Dannell tricycle features

Dannell tricycle is one of the types of tricycles with low weight. Dannell is made of plastic parts without sharp edges, which uses the best material available, and this will make it suitable for use by minors.

In the steering wheel of this tricycle, a doll in the shape of a duck is used, which also has the ability to play music.

This tricycle model has pedals on the front wheel that provide smooth movement to move your beloved child.

Dannell’s tricycle has a 70-centimeter long metal cane without a steering wheel.

Additional information

نوع / type

سه چرخه تنه پلاستیکی
Plastic trunk tricycle
دراجة ثلاثية العجلات من البلاستيك

ابعاد / Dimensions

55 × 50 × 65 cm

گروه سنی / age category

قابل استفاده برای سنین 36 تا 60 ماه
Can be used for ages 36 to 60 months
يمكن استخدامه للأعمار من 36 إلى 60 شهرًا

ظرفیت وزنی / Weight capacity

مناسب برای کودکان با وزن کمتر از 30 کیلوگرم
Suitable for children weighing less than 30 kg
مناسبة للأطفال الذين يقل وزنهم عن 30 كجم

کمک فنر / shock absorber

لا يمتلك

محافظ صندلی / seat protector

لا يمتلك

جاپایی قابل جداشدن / Detachable leg placement

لا يمتلك

سایبان / Canopy

لا يمتلك

سبد / basket

محل قرارگیری سبد قسمت پشت صندلی
ابعاد سبد 8 × 15 × 23 سانتی‌متر
The location of the basket on the back of the seat
The dimensions of the basket are 23 x 15 x 8 cm
حصل عليها
موقع السلة على ظهر المقعد
أبعاد السلة 8 × 15 × 23 سم

محل قرارگیری پدال/ Pedal location

چرخ جلو
front wheel
العجلات الأمامية

موزیکال/ the musical

حصل عليها

چراغ/ lamp

لا يمتلك

سایر توضیحات / Other Details

دارای یک باکس موزیکال با باتری داخلی
It has a musical box with internal battery
تحتوي على صندوق موسيقي مع بطارية داخلية

دارای یک عصای فلزی به طول 70 سانتی‌متر بدون قابلیت هدایت فرمان
It has a 70 cm long metal cane without steering wheel
تحتوي على رافعة توجيه بطول 70 سم دون التحكم في توجيه الدراجة ثلاثية العجلات

ارتفاع نشیمن از زمین 35 سانتی‌متر
The height of the seat from the ground is 35 cm
ارتفاع المقعد عن الأرض 35 سم


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