Panda bathtub service

Panda bathtub service

Baby products should be of very good quality so as not to harm the baby’s skin.

The One Panda set has a very good build quality and includes 8 pieces, one of the most necessary and widely used bathroom accessories.

This set includes: washing tub, clothes basket, wash basin, palace or toilet seat, clothes peg, soap dispenser and clothes peg.



Panda bathtub service

The Panda Pack 8-piece bath set is a suitable set for babies’ baths. Baby products should be of very good quality so as not to harm the baby’s skin.

The Panda model has a very good build quality and includes 8 pieces, one of the most necessary and widely used bathroom accessories.

This set includes a bathtub, a baby toilet (palace), a clothes basket with a handle, and a trash can in the door.

Also, a watering can for pouring water on the child and a soap dispenser with five clothes pegs and five clothes hangers are other items included in this collection for your convenience.

Panda bathtub features

Plastic service is one of the necessities of a child. High-quality plastic material with rounded edges, soft plastic inner layers and the use of happy colors are among the features of the One Panda set.

The high quality of the plastic used in this product prevents the smallest cracks and breaks in it and allows it to be used for a long time.

Additional information

سایر توضیحات / Other Details

دارای وان نوزاد
With a baby tub
مع حوض استحمام للأطفال

دارای توالت فرنگی نوزاد ( قصری )
Has a baby toilet
يحتوي على مرحاض للأطفال

دارای سبد لباس دسته دار
Has a clothes basket with handles
تحتوي على سلة ملابس بمقابض

دارای سبد زباله در دار
Has a waste basket
لديه سلة مهملات

دارای ظرف آبریز
Has a drainage container
تحتوي على حاوية تصريف

دارای جاصابونی
Has a soap dispenser
تحتوي على موزع صابون

دارای 5 عدد گیره لباس
Has 5 clothes clips
تحتوي على 5 مشابك ملابس

دارای 3 عدد آویز لباس
Has 3 clothes hangers
بها 3 علاقات ملابس

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