stroller 212

212 stroller

The baby carriage is one of the main items that are considered when buying Sesame.

The 212 pram is a means of transporting the baby more easily outside the home and is very efficient.

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212 stroller

Model 212 stroller has always been one of the best and best-selling products in the market, in this product, the best available materials are used, just like our other products.

The 212 stroller uses a lower height than the usual strollers on the market, which has led to better guidance, more mastery of the mother, and the lightness of this stroller.

Features of model 212 stroller

This stroller has an adjustable canopy with visibility, which greatly reduces its volume after folding.

In addition, it has a front tray for the child and a three-position back and a basket for carrying children’s supplies.

The mother’s steering handle of this stroller is also one piece, which can be adjusted on both sides of the stroller and helps to increase the strength and longevity of the stroller.

Brakes for the rear wheels as well as a safety belt are installed in this stroller for the safety of the child as much as possible.

stroller color 212

This product benefits from the unique range of fabrics in all kinds of designs and colors, the fabric of this product is also made of soft fibers.

which allows the air to pass through itself so that the air here and there calms the child more and more.

Additional information

نوع / type

کالسکه سایز متوسط
Medium size stroller
عربة أطفال متوسطة الحجم

ابعاد / Dimensions

93 × 80 × 49 cm / ابعاد در حالت تاشو 29 × 84 × 49 cm
93 × 80 × 49 Folded dimensions 49 × 84 × 29 cm / cm
93 × 80 × 49 cm / أبعاد مطوية 29 × 84 × 49 cm

وزن / Weight

8.350 kg

گروه سنی / age category

قابل استفاده از بدو تولد نوزاد
Can be used from birth
يمكن استخدامه منذ الولادة

ظرفیت وزنی / Weight capacity

مناسب برای کودکان با وزن کمتر از 30 کیلوگرم
Suitable for children weighing less than 30 kg
مناسبة للأطفال الذين يقل وزنهم عن 30 كجم

تعداد چرخ / Number of wheels


ترمز / brake

چرخ های عقب
Rear wheels
الاطارات الخلفية

سبد / basket

دارد, جنس سبد : پلاستیک
yes, Basket material: plastic
نعم, مادة السلة: بلاستيك

سینی کودک / baby tray

لا يمتلك

سینی والدین / parent tray

لا يمتلك

سینی جلوپایی /Baby foot tray

حصل عليها

قابلیت جمع شدن / Collapsible

حصل عليها

سایر توضیحات / Other Details

دارای پشتی قابل‌تنظیم در سه حالت
It has an adjustable back in three modes
لها ظهر قابل للتعديل في ثلاثة أوضاع

دارای جای پای قابل‌ تنظیم در دو حالت
It has an adjustable footrest in two modes
يحتوي على مسند قدم قابل للتعديل في وضعين

چرخ‌های جلو با قابلیت چرخش 360 درجه
Front wheels with 360 degree rotation
عجلات أمامية قابلة للدوران 360 درجة

قطر چرخ‌ها 16 سانتی‌متر
The diameter of the wheels is 16 cm
قطر العجلات 16 سم

دارای دسته قابل برگشت و حالت رو به مادر
Has a change in the direction of sitting facing the mother
لديه تغير في اتجاه الجلوس في مواجهة الأم

مجهز به کمربند ایمنی جهت حفظ ایمنی کودک
Equipped with a security camera
مجهزة بمعدات أمنية

دارای گارد محافظ (بدون قابلیت جداسازی)
Has a child guard
لديه حارس الطفل

مجهز به سایبان جهت جلوگیری از تابش مستقیم خورشید با محفظه دید مادر
Equipped with a canopy to prevent direct sunlight with a mother's viewing chamber
مزودة بمظلة لمنع أشعة الشمس المباشرة مع حجرة رؤية للأم


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