Rexana tricycle

Rexana tricycle

Children can use tricycles from the age of two, at this age it will be the most exciting thing for them.

Studies have shown that teaching a child to ride a tricycle and using this device makes the child’s muscles and bones stronger.

At the same time as riding on this device, the child is actually exercising and has exhausted his childish energies.

Roxana tricycle will be the best toy for children 2 to 5 years old.

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Rexana tricycle

Children like to imitate their parents. Having a small game engine helps them learn the concept of balance.

Rexana model tricycle is a musical engine designed for children over two years old in various colors.

With the help of this engine, a happy and exciting game can be provided for children. This engine has a musical box in the front that can play music

And it is powered by two AA batteries, LED is installed in the front light.

Rexana tricycle features

Children gradually increase their movement skills while playing with these tricycles. Playing with this engine is very useful in increasing children’s balance skills.

Due to its small size, this product does not occupy much space at home. The Roxana motor can be used indoors or outdoors (not recommended).

Beautiful and varied colors of this engine include: red, pink, green, blue, orange and yellow

Note: This tricycle is designed for small environments.

Additional information

نوع / type

سه چرخه تنه پلاستیکی
Plastic trunk tricycle
دراجة ثلاثية العجلات من البلاستيك

ابعاد / Dimensions

51*46*60 cm

وزن / Weight

8.250 kg

گروه سنی / age category

قابل استفاده برای سنین 36 تا 60 ماه
Can be used for ages 36 to 60 months
يمكن استخدامه للأعمار من 36 إلى 60 شهرًا

ظرفیت وزنی / Weight capacity

مناسب برای کودکان با وزن کمتر از 30 کیلوگرم
Suitable for children weighing less than 30 kg
مناسبة للأطفال الذين يقل وزنهم عن 30 كجم

کمک فنر / shock absorber

لا يمتلك

محافظ صندلی / seat protector

لا يمتلك

جاپایی قابل جداشدن / Detachable leg placement

لا يمتلك

سایبان / Canopy

لا يمتلك

سبد / basket

لا يمتلك

محل قرارگیری پدال/ Pedal location

چرخ جلو
front wheel
العجلات الأمامية

موزیکال/ the musical

حصل عليها

چراغ/ lamp

حصل عليها


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